Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 20:12 Id: 43e343 No.5065 del
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Well... in the last days I was going through an energetic turbulence because I am trying to unfuck my emotional patterns and yesterday I was playing the touhou fighting game with my friend who is kinda into 10+ fighting games and I kinda beat the living shit out of him because soku is so chaotic and some movesets are so unbalanced that there might be a chance that the energies I was unleashing got into the hold of the kitsunes that also managing my emotional development via a Shinto mega construct soooooo...

I just asked them.
You are detaching yourself from the path and going back into your "Mundane ways" and that kinda severs the connection so they were glad you are within the "range" again.
Also my "Daimyo body" is literally in a large pagoda still where I let my "demons take form" so I can work my problems out. So they probably got inspired from the ways. Not to mention I am kinda generous with my mental patterns so entities are allowed to copy them if they are with me.

Dunno what else to say. If you have any questions or want some Kitsune advice just yell