Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:32 Id: d238bc No.5097 del
Idk if that isn't a huge misunderstanding in the foundation of it. Odin turned out being the egregore of norse religion, like Yaweh was the egregore of Judaism. But recently, Odin became real from a ritual not even intended to summon a real being, but just a very ambiguous thing done with perfect normies present. I was there and saw it happen, didn't believe it but the Queen confirmed it. Weird to see this happen, all this time the religion had not been finished, it was waiting for this to happen, same as Judaism and Islam.

Odin hung himself on the Yggdrasil, the tree of life, but "yggdrasil" means in translation ygg = the horrible, drasil = horse. But Odin's horse is Sleipner, the horse with 8 legs. The Horrible is Odin himself. So he hung himself from his own horse?? And his horse is the tree of life?

Try to make sense of that one. He did this to gain wisdom.