Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:36 Id: d238bc No.5176 del
>Also succumbing to lust is bad
You're seeing this in a way too base way. Maybe that is why your nerves get overstimulated and you react "that way". While this may be missed by some, it's in the contracts for the formation of the place I created for example (whose template was later used by La Famida) that the purpose of the whoring in there is purely tantric. People who can't turn lower energies around to make it so, can't work there. That's how a place like that can function. Take the "same shit everyone else does" and turn it into an etheric practice before everyone's eyes without them knowing it, and no one can understand why it works or what it is, unless they have the right purity level. And that's the point.