Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:50 Id: 43e343 No.5177 del
Sadly I am unable to "Lock on" because in your "Mundane mind" this experience is kinda muddled with anime and videogame experiences so I am not sure what is it yet.
>i had some kind of mark and that i was a part of them/chosen/whatever
Was this before the Shinto princess marked you?
Also yes you definitely have some "marks" but I have no idea where it places you and they are not as big as some stories make it be. Sometimes it is as important as dogs marking their territory. Yours is more important but I am still unable to place it.

>or if it was somehow a past life of mine
I am not sure if you are easy to "rape". You are a murdermachine. But maybe an experience where you felt bad for having to watch someone being raped and being unable to do against it.
>whole sister thing happened
Did your sisters appear or what u mean by the "whole sister thing".
>some weird ceremony and an energy sphere went inside my body and impregnated me, i uhhh... had a daughter and a bunch of things happened
This feels important tbh
>perpetually evening/night, and the female underclassmen always kept following me around and the teachers (who were all female too, to no surpise) were just watching me with slight smile on their faces.

Ohkay this is a similar atmosphere your mansion had.
You asked your sisters about this? If they knew the place or what is their opinion this or what they think of the mark or should you be even hanging out with "those girls" or where is your "daughter". Gathering outsider perspective informations is always important when these things happen

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