Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 20:51 Id: 496597 No.5204 del
>Can't be helped that we got born or created here but this is an egg
Yeah but how did you "get into that egg" or why?
I am not trying to be an ass here but understanding our "origin energy/intention" will be important because even on the big picture you might be just going in circles without noticing for eons. What made the "fool" seek out the journey what was the fool before he was the fool. Was he always a fool or he was someone else that realized it's time to "start over". The same cycles can go on forever beyond earth too and earth has some special significance that might not be apparent until you leave. Don't ask me what that is it is real complicated and I am still not sure how to explain.

>For some it may just be moving permanently to their own astral kingdom
Watch out because that "permanence" can be a prison too. If you can "break" that permanence is it really permanence? Will you be fulfilled with that same place forever and ever? Will it be permanent when everything vanishes?

>Until I discover new and greater worlds to dwell in.
Then "permanence" is a curse.

But yeah you will have to see these yourself and understand what these things mean.

I am not saying these questions to pick a fight I just said these because I had to realize I don't have the answer to them yet.

When I concluded some year ago that the greatest "feat" that can be achieved is to "rule over a heavenly realm" then a spirit appeared and said:
>There are many heavenly realms without a ruler do you wish to rule over some?

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