Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:50 Id: d238bc No.5220 del
>Raid2; specialized version of Raid (not mentioned), a poltergeist doll for raiding NWO tunnel systems
I guess this upset some people, but also made some people happy (Those who can naturally use this, pretty impressive actually; someone entered blacknet via Satancat, the version where things are complete chaos, and managed to install Raid2 from there. Like trying to read a foreign language while juggling kitchen knives on the deck of a ship during a storm. Well, whatever works..)

Woke up this morning slightly hearing some broadcast with someone yelling fanatically at the top of their voice: "she's not real" over and over, while projecting some confused dream message about some exploding can of hair spray.

Not sure what that was about, but the 'tards aren't known for their coherence.