Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 23:50 Id: b7d8e2 No.5229 del
Okay, how my attention isn't as divided anymore since the PC came

>The first thing that gave me the connection was the word: "FORM"
Then I seen how it turned into a diamond like object. So what this is.
This is a "proto soul frame material". This was the "stone" that your soul was "carved into". On this board we have the concept of "limestone" the stone that golems and other artificial souls and such are made from. This is not that this is far older far more potent and... This was "around" when "life" was not exactly "carbon based". So this is a proto material that can turn into the "proto vajra/diamond". This thing is not really found in the common history/myths at all. Literally predates the "known Titans
Well we can call it one of two things (or both since it sounds cooler): a proto stone and/or FORM stone

>Remember when I posted that weird timeflow graph and how your sisters were unable to "see you" when the timeflow was "too low" so they put you into a stasis or arranged you to work as a Miko in closer dimensions and such? Because of that this materia did not "devolve" out of your being because you did not evolve with the different "humanity" that came after every cataclysm.
Ths timeflow part I remember and understand, yeah. But what do you mean by different "humanity", the ones most of us currently "are" or something else entirely.

>But this was only just a beginning to a new world of knowledge. It holds many secrets and now I am able to connect worlds that are just "not here" anymore. My dictionary is still very rudimentary and because of that this stone was called "ore stone" my mind cannot "Produce" it's "true name" yet. But now I have access to a different set of knowledge that I am not sure if they would ever come handy because as I mentioned before producing "golems" from this materia is "illegal weapons manufacturing" and I was only allowed to ingest it into my being because I use it for research. There were weird ass being down there. Like a one eyed horse headed dinosaur like thing and things that just don't exist anymore.
...does that explain the world traveling you described as I was able to do before or no?

>Also this still doesn't explain who your patron is because he just helps you to "resonate" some parts of your being. He is not exactly an "elemental lord" but he is very old and has this energy. Ingesting this made my soul look like it's 10 000 year+ old. I will see where this leads. Now I not just able to have some "glimpses" from the "forgotten worlds" but can literally interact with them. I too have some forgotten aspects so this will be a good addition to my expertise of uncovering them.
Interesting... The reactions I get when called Manami is he coming stronger and the desire to become miko is starting to appear.. for some reason

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