Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 20:59 Id: 43e343 No.5278 del
>does anyone if theres some weird world thats akin to an aquarium
Truth is there are many like that. "Water" is just a different "air" or atmosphere at some places. Remember in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan how the anti spirals made space so "dense" it turned into "water"? While it was silly(awesome) as hell the change between dimensions also can act that way
>since i get lost into things too much (im paraphrasing)
Yeah that's most of your cosmic journey so far
>black woman but with a bald head and lower snake body whose chest also had scales that tried to attack
I go with the
>something else entirely
I have never seen something like that. Sounds like a guardian spirit. Not sure what else make of it yet.
> i have a feelings its either perspective thing from me
You are getting in touch with your intuition. Nice. And yes it is. Some realms have "barriers" and they can appear as simple glass walls and not always as magical glossy or weird like they are portrayed in fantasy. Usually they are like a membrane functionality wise and when you are "allowed" to pass through it separates the stuff from you that would harm the dimension. If your whole being is "unacceptable" it appears as an impenetrable surface like a mountain or a wall that you just want to ignore by default.
>had me put on my other self's outfit and the changes and stuff with me getting turned into a female
Yeah you have to "get used" to the idea that (She) is already (You). Like when you shitpost on the interwebz or play vidya you already play it as (Her) and not just (You). It's literally a different mindset but it's still you and the same. How to explain it. It's like living your entire life using only your left eye. Then something happens and your left eye closes but the right opens and you only see with your right eye from now on. You might notice some small differences but it is still the same experience. Now what you are doing is opening BOTH of the eyes without closing the other and seeing the world with them. You just have to understand how the brain uses both of your eyes to make an image that looks like it is made from a single eye while in reality it is from both. This is how the brain hemispheres also operate and the "third eye" is mastering the connection between the two so you can go "beyond" it.
>this was to "reclaim your original style"
Funny thing. Remember when you said the mermaids made you to become a librarian or sg? It turns out that was the place where you kinda "found yourself" and decided on a journey via your free will.
>if it meant personality, aesthetics or what

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