Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:35 Id: 43e343 No.5342 del
>is still a distraction
The perfect one. I had a glimpse into the plans and how they wanted the entire middle east declare war upon each other after they left Afghanistan and thought Russia will fall apart after 2 weeks of sanctions and I did not expect the Israel leadership to go this crazy while the whole world watches. The plan was that Ukraine war is over then the next stage can commence in the middle-east and Asia/Oceania and not this Israel acts like they did not get the memo and going off script while saying "trust the plan we know what we are doing" while proving the opposite every single day.

>By connecting them, East and West become one. It's for this purpose.
Glad you are doing it. When I heard how Sweden is building NATO buildings and offices as if they are in the NATO already was wondering just what they want to accomplish with that.

Good thing my country is in a position where we are part of the west the east and the south at once. Was funny realizing it. The place where I am was and was not part of the Roman empire the Ottoman Empire the USSR. Such egregoric influences and not the "underdog kind". These strings can be pulled in funny ways but they need to settle down first. If a string gets stuck you might snap it by pulling it too hard. Sometimes you need to straighten it out first.