Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:52 Id: d238bc No.5344 del
>Sweden is building NATO buildings and offices as if they are in the NATO already
This is a kind of distraction as well. USA DoD just wants the "unsinkable hangar ship" in the region, but they don't know the greater reason this was pushed to happen. Expanding NATO, sure, but Scandinavia isn't relevant for the occult systems they are using, it only has conventional military use. Adding Ukraine to EU and NATO is essential for activating the pentagram system in its negative manner. What would happen if they did it? They'd get their 1 million year kingdom of darkness, then 1 million years of absolute terror as their souls are now trapped in a collapsing mega structure the size of 9 galaxies, where everyone thinks "someone else" will solve it.