Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 23:32 Id: 43e343 No.5405 del
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>One of the conversations was about "friends" and one of them basically went yandere again and said "were all that you need" (I'm paraphrasing this btw)
This will be hard to explain but I will try. So you are still obsessed with making "shitty friends". Your energetic "preferences" make you "drawn" towards them. You don't notice it consciously but you are addicted to it. It's like someone having a proper family who always wanders out then hangs with hobos and drug addicts in a piss soaked alley then a family member needs to get him because he almost got stabbed in the process and didn't even notice it. As I said before your "(deep)core persona" is a weapon. So once it feels the necessary "threat level" it is allowed to use self defense. Then your sisters & co is explaining to you that "were all that you need" which is not just about companionship but to realize that you "want" and "CAN" hang around and enjoy "their energy" without that addiction to the "lowlife energy" to the people you usually get in trouble with. I am not saying don't interact with mundanes it's just we have a way to "bring out the worst of others" without realizing. It's an energetic addiction. The faster you realize the better. Hard to notice it consciously. It usually happens when someone changes his lifestyle or something lifechanging happens.

>I'm not sure if this is related to any of this but also
Me neither but you are allowed to interact with aliens and such. They are "not that different from you" after all.
>I said something along the lines of "I want to change my body/go back to my form/be a girl/something autistic like that
This is a good indication that your "desires" are still the same deep down. It's important to know what we want on all level
>by having those paper thingies kids make into people holding hands
Oh I know that one. Hard to explain how it works. Have this oglaf comic
>it didn't function because it's not my Method
You could say that yeah...

>is it even the same book?
Never was :/
Was not even written by the founder of the religion. Let's not mention how the translators and the "interpreters" managed to fuck things up further. It's such a long topic holy shit.

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