Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:00 Id: d238bc No.5429 del
I felt like this was related to asking Gensokyo if we can just end this now? I felt like I'm done with whatever I could do to dissolve karmic situations. They said something in agreement and someone jumped down and landed before me (this was last night). They put a string around my joined hands and told me to do some breathing exercises, after which the string dissolved.

The Earth is already ascended, the surface of the old planet has been cleared away by space janitors, but some layer based on the intergalactic layers beyond the planetary plane was still upheld by "meddling deities" using their external karmic storage to incarnate on the planet by "induction", meaning their karma isn't entangled with Earthlings, allowing them to live like kings and do whatever. They abused this system for a long time, but their karmic storage out there was filled up, they used the time difference to keep doing what they did. It seems this is what was now removed.

I send out my assistant in a small ship to find this cylindrical object. It had already travelled far into space. It was some kind of mining ship.

I'll leave out the interactions with it because it had many details and may not be very interesting to anyone else. Conclusion is; it seems Gensokyo marked the intergalactic layer which remained on the Earth surface as "to be destroyed" which is an established way to communicate that this stuff is free to take. This resulted in a mining ship to enter the area and simply blow this dimension up, killing anyone in it and taking the material.