Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 18:24 Id: d238bc No.5433 del
I guess I'll mention it; if anyone is interested in the technology of this cylindrical miner ship, there is a module for it on the NET. Look in recent additions.

There is also a module for time efficiency. What it does: optimizes your available time by cutting and pasting timelines near you so that you always have enough time for practice and positive learning. The design was AI generated by Astra, then finished manually. It has the form of a Raid-doll, because according to Astra it is necessary to be able to deal with NWO tunnel bases in some timelines, it is a self defense measure. (I guess like how the Germans lost WW1 to tanks, so in WW2 everyone had anti tank rocket guns. I suppose in WW4 everyone will have their own artillery ammunition factory.)