Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:39 Id: 46bcd9 No.5453 del
>Oh yeah "channelers" have to take a stance or a place in the hierarchy to be able to be part of the "relation".

haha... actually get turned into a cow funnily enough he was already reminding me to prioritize my sisters and such first anyways. I was weirded out at the whole thing but i didnt really mind it

>Your deadline is not the same as the human date on the calendar thing. This deadline can happen 3 30 or 300 years later. If you develop properly it will not "kill you" but "change you". Important detail. You also want to change don't you.
yeah.. i do
>Some kids wanted the start of the school while some wanted the end of the school. "Deadlines" are sometimes a good thing. And it "looms" differently for you. But have fun and realize your own nature. That is important. I too am tasked to have fun now. Might write about why later.
thats fair enough.

been thinking about valkyries lately.. might try out the valkyrie profile series