Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:44 Id: d238bc No.5454 del
> I mean I understand that you mean the "product is so great that you would be STUPID TO NOT GET IT" kind of deal but still.
Not at all. I mean the internet bubble thinking but for anything: there will be only one major company in every field. One social media platform. One search engine. One marketplace. One bank. One car manufacturer. One Führer. One world order, and you will call this free market capitalism because everyone gained their monopoly not by communist revolution but by just killing all competition. This is what I mean.

This instantly came to a halt when it faced actual violent monopoly in China, Russia and Iran etc. because those don't need to waste resources on internal struggle so no matter how ineffective, if they just do some kind of LEAN they will be so much more effective it's incomparable to the free market.