Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:09 Id: 43e343 No.5509 del
Thx. Mildly hurts but it seems I sorta got it.

I have an another "way in" but that is the "dragonlord" privilege class which is more about history and not actual self executable programming language dabbling stuff so I could read and analyze some of your discs without being a "slave" but because I did not feel the need to "execute them" because some of the methods you shared I developed already or gave me an idea to some other practice I wanted to do for a long while so they were sorta "read only" for me.

>they can let you in through some collective decision
Yeah after I go ahead and tell them that I am "ready". They even appeared and asked me "what body I wish to wear on the new earth" and showed me how to change into my youthful teen appearance with something that you apply like some skin cream product but then I realized I associate my "youth" as weakness and inexperience which made me realize I don't know "How" I want to appear for "others" because every form has it's benefits and drawbacks and the reptilian that was tasked to "assist me" gave me a weird look because not knowing "how you want others to see you" is "weird" and left me so I can figure that out.

>this is how you begin
Thx. With this I will have less trouble following your workings and might make me able to write more reviews about them.

>quite clearly so
Bothers me how she has similar features as me like the morton's toe and the long fingers but mine are not these "creepy weird" level
I understand more what you mean but damm. My energy body wanted to vomit the moment I looked at her and I have no idea why. Great the next step of "racism" is coming through. Rage then disgust. At least it helped me "narrow down" the layer I have to work on to notice this.

Srsly I cannot put the weird feeling of "disgust" anywhere. Not like I consider her a whore or undesirable any visual way but I have no idea what part of me and how or in what relation it considers it disgusting. K this is genuine. I can work with this later

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