Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:35 Id: 4ad799 No.5514 del
>Just checked the wiki and yes... Her energy is closer to your "nature"
O-oh? I'm kinda remembering a few things now, she has like 2 variants in fgo a summer version and then her base version (the pics im posting). Normally whenever I roll something in fgo most of the time I get "drawn" to it like ummm... The instance I talked to you about Cleopatra though it never really resulted in me getting possessed apart from that time with Cleo (that I'm aware of). But uhh with skadi this time I felt a similar "pull" without the possession and... She just came. Also the motherly nature stuff is brining alot of things... With astolfo too since he came to me too in the weirdest way yesterday. But all that aside I finally understood what you meant by the energy affecting people thing, it made some get even more intense and calling me mommy a lot recently

These past few days have been weird