Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:49 Id: 43e343 No.5515 del
>by furry black miner beasts

Funny thing about "bodyhair". It has a sort of electromagnetic energy channel cleansing mechanism and that is where "bodyhair magic" comes from. Jews practice it and it's master was Samson. In Hinduism and Buddhism it also has mentions but never clearly spelled out because as Kali said to me once
>Hair represents earthly attachments

And while I was looking at the girl with beautiful long hair first not understanding then I understood that yes this is why she is still on earth this is why she loves earth even tho it's ways that leads towards destruction and can be saved only via through further destruction.

The reason why I said this because the "feathery reptilian humanoid design" had to be dropped. Not just because it was bad in heat management (like we almost smooth humans have any way using the heath management of the bodyhair nowadays) but feathers were bad at this only bodyhair gave us a way to recycle energy somehow. Like how you can charge up an air-balloon while moving it on your hair. Weird ass electromagnetic magic.

>felt a similar "pull"
Your energies have an effect on reality already and you will notice it even more as you move forward. Also FGO is a merger point for multiple entities for a very long while. They use that a lot so have fun with your gacha.

>some get even more intense and calling me mommy a lot recently

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