Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:05 Id: 4ad799 No.5517 del
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>I fear to ask about details.
Don't worry, I'm not going to detail it out because it turned into a really personal conversation. But all I'll say is that... I finally got what you meant by how our(?) Energies can really affect people

>Your energies have an effect on reality already and you will notice it even more as you move forward. Also FGO is a merger point for multiple entities for a very long while. They use that a lot so have fun with your gacha.
I see... So that's why people keep saying I'm "lucky". Ah no matter

I know you mentioned the weapon soul stuff before but... Did my energies/form/whatever show you "myself" with a bow or something? As far as weapons go, I only ever really consciously seeing myself with a double saber like pic related, sometimes a scythe too