Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:17 Id: 43e343 No.5539 del
>didn't understand that this was cultivation on a separate path
2 years ago when I was going kinda wild there was a moment when I felt kinda lost then as the greys assisted they told me I am an "old grey" at their world/dimension and now I am "connecting to myself". As I almost believed it I noticed a bunch of young greys looking into the psychic channel between me and that old grey and was thinking that are they fucking with me? Then as I could not realize the truth if they just tried to possess me or something I realized that I realized before. Greys are super psychics but they have a "ceiling" that they cannot go beyond because genetic and technological constraints. It was when I noticed that I could bypass a lot of "grey programming" intuitively and with this mere "wiring" I can finally understand my "deal". With that I kinda went berserk and went back into the "ancient paths" because had to realize that the greys are still "too alien" to this "earth dimensional mesh". I learned a great deal how they use the interdimensional travel and it is still not clear for me what are the limits because in theory it can do anything but in practice they always encounter some peculiar anomalies. When you said in the past how greys told you that "interplanetary travel is not for fun" they really meant it. It's srs bsns and many things can go wrong.
When I asked them in the past if I am "registered there" they told me
>You are not registered you are ACKNOWLEDGED
Because I don't fit into their established system and I am clearly not finished with my path so they are unable to put any label on me but I am an extremely valuable research data. Last year I found out after an awakening energy overload that I was kinda not supposed to be "contacted yet". As I was talking to a grey that I dubbed as the "rainbow grey" (The reason I called him that because as it entered my pure energy mental sphere my awakened colorful energies tried to enter him but they bounced him off in a funny way and that never happened before and he was unfazed by it) And this "rainbow grey" explained to me that "Clippy" is a deranged individual a literal NEET in the "grey caste system" who is not part of any system and he was NOT supposed to contact a random human and be part of his awakening who has no clear allegations to anywhere. It's not a crime it's more like a shameful behavior because greys has a weird societal consent/pressure how they take a sort of "pride" in their profession but Clippy was like an interdimensional discord NEET who was not part of this so it's impossible to shame him anyway because he will just say sorry and copypaste some data as an apology but the "rainbow grey" was an interdimensional bridge constructor and now as a responsible grey he is "obliged" to give me an explanation on anything I ask about because now we are like "neighbors". The problem was ofc whenever I asked about anything the conversation lasted for hours and days and while it was quite the paradigm shift in technology it was kinda useless because I have better things to do than emulate hyperspace greytech infrastructure. That technology is still "Incompatible" on some levels and it is not important yet. That will be a later chapter.

>until they think they will "overrule reality" and change the laws of nature
I really love how secretive weirdos who have to hide in their clubhouses think these things and dare to whisper this only in between themselves and then get surprised when IRL it just doesn't work "for some reason".
>if the stem is thick enough, it's safe
Especially if the core is rotten in the inside since the get go.