Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:04 Id: 43e343 No.5544 del
>because I forgot I'm banned on 4chan
The last time I posted was when moot said farewell on /a/
Since that I felt no point in taking part in the discussions. [Embed]
Can't believe that even the remake was made 7 years ago.

What do they even ban for nowadays because whenever I check it clearly shows that the jannies are not very good at their jobs.

>electric fence
I got stung by one when I was like around 2 or 3
>self-correcting mechanism
Also something I kinda suck at since childhood

There is the thing with electric fences especially for cattle and horses. If the animals don't know what causes it and that they have to "Jump back as a reflex" they panic and just "force through the fence". Because of this you have to teach them that it hurts and it's bad otherwise they just trample it over. Also sheep with thick wool also immune to electric fences. Interpret this as symbolically or as literally as you can.

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