Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 20:56 Id: 43e343 No.5560 del
>In the first half of the 1900s it was still possible to see beings from other dimensions fairly easily, people knew about them
Yeah my grandma told me she was able to hear some of the dead people once they passed for a while and I had to realize why women were able to "see them better". They were usually home being in a mild trance state all the time less occupied with the hurdles of materialism because that was the job of men. But that was thrown out of the window when mandatory education appeared. That brainwashing system will overwrite all your natural wiring you were born with. You suck at school? Bad with people? Like to be home alone and sit in the darkness? Congrats you are the most undesirable being in society enjoy being shamed all the time. While before feminism women were allowed to sit at home and after doing the chores just sit and listen. Especially if they wanted to "know" where is their loved one. Using the "female intuition" was something your instincts told you to do. Nowadays? Just have a phone lol. Just fry your mental circuits with social media trash.
>today we've gone full circle
We went. But I see an another aspect of this "full circle". Some of us adapted. Adapted to the constant "media overload" and with that we are able to process a large amount of information from the otherside. The mind is 2D the screen is also 2D. You just have to make your eyes "stare" at a different "flat surface". Voila you a wizard harry. Just don't get too scared of the images. Realizing many fear this experience by default was something weird for me. It seems for them going through the "Horrors of this world" is normal? And anything beyond it is scary? For me ignorance never was a "bliss" it was like a painful wound that I had to ignore because I was busy with other problems created via mundane retardation.

>then why uphold this charade?
A question asked through the many ages many times. I too asked this question back then and still cannot say the answer out loud. There is just something there that you want to see but what is it. What makes you play THE GAME

>if this is normal
I never knew what is normal. Wonder who knows the answer to that. Is it a normie or someone who is everything but normal?

>Human bots/NPCs watching otherdimensional beings post online using alien technology
Back then it was via staring at the fire or at the pond under the full moon crop circles etc... We just normalized a new medium. Do you remember when theater appeared in ancient Greece and entities enjoyed it so much sometimes they partook in the play and no one noticed it? That is my oldest memory when I was bothered by the "charade". I hated it but that was one of the point of history that lead us to the current "bread and circus". That charade ended but some parts of it stayed with us.