Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 23:46 Id: d238bc No.5565 del
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Change of topic, I found a bunch of new things in the bible again. What's there so far:
Old Testament is mostly about Satan, a huge demon out in space who's so far off his influence feels like background information (also a massive retard, but was beat up recently and left).
Yaweh was the egregore of Neptune, both the planet which is a fake sun created for the birds, Rosicrucians on the past Earth, and the society itself back then. It's now been split up and handed out as some kind of information which to me looked like Neptune from the game. This exact image.
Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object. It just had to be looked at and derived back to its original form by some very farfetched-seeming logic. Never does it say that the Abrahamic pact seals what it means to be a "Jew", it only seems to say that whoever doesn't need circumcision is ejected from the karmic egregore.
Rather if you read further this name only comes up after Salomon abandoned Yaweh and started worshipping Moloch and a bunch of other gods. They were always called Israel, not "Jews" and it seems Judaism is derived from Juda, which was the group not recognized by Yaweh. It's all fucked up.
Why would they call Jesus the son of David and the king of the Jews, when that group didn't exist back then and wasn't the real group?
The problem is that it's been read and interpreted from an "accepted" lore taught by priests to make everyone see things that aren't in the text.

The reason for djinn using circumcision in Islam is similar, it's also a yogic sun activation for degenerates, but it only works for them if they also have 4 wives, because that's what it takes to deplete the male essence so that the energy can be reversed, if you attempt this in the most brutal way possible because you are an absolute degenerate but still want to try doing it all at once. Once seeing how the energy system should work, you can do this internally.