Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 10:47 Id: d238bc No.5568 del
>How did you come to the conclusion that Yahweh was Neptune?
When I first went online to start "this stuff" there was this guy known as Arachne on different forums (you can still see his posts on "creepy hollows" and "become a living god"), his main contribution was that he was a natural channel, so he was part of the groups I joined/formed. Sometime during this he told me angels had rebelled against Yaweh and killed him. I don't remember the exact events but it was during this that we as a group made the connection that the god Neptune was Yaweh. Later when we got into the artificial sun stuff, the Queen/Illivryn/Sepheranz confirmed that the planet Neptune was the artificial sun created by the prehistoric Jews on the past Earth. Neptune was their "lord in the sky", a technology for containing their negative energy (karma). It worked a while, then it stopped burning because karma contains gravity (a material which doesn't burn). The planet was linked with the egregore of this society, which appears as the god Yaweh. Yaweh/Nep has the knowledge of this ancient society, and that's what it is.

>>Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object.
>How exactly does this work?
I can only explain it using farfetched logic with some yogic references:
There are two forces we call Yin or Yang, male or female, or growth and destruction. Yoga means union of these forces. Satan does this by letting the desire be constantly eaten by its object, while Moloch does it by always keeping the person in a satisfied state no matter what. These two principles were used in the past and are explained in the Bible.

When going into technicalities, the fetus has no sexual characteristic, these are developed over time. From this we can see that the ballsack and the labia are the same thing originally, as well as how the penis is the same thing as the clitoris. So far so good, then it gets complicated.
The Amygdala in the brain at chakra 6, the 3rd eye chakra, corresponds to the testicles at chakra 1, the root chakra, which women do not have. This leads to men having their empathy amplified, the balls do this, so women appear coldhearted. But this is balanced by the breasts, which have the same energetic function on chakra 3, solar plexus, where women are aligned to have that same energy relocated from the root chakra to the solar plexus.
When using the tantric method, the bodies are joined in external union, yoga, and the male and female will correspondingly focus on their own half.
There are three points on the root chakra, located on the top of the penis or just above the clitoris, the G-spot only available on women on the inside at the same location, and the K-spot which is on the back wall of the vagina or close to the prostate.