Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:29 Id: 43e343 No.5589 del
K checked the servitors and gained the answer
>your mind is safe
I mentioned it before with my "shaivist dieselpunk voodoo" that I had to figure out because I overdid my energywork and I have this understanding because I work with electricity with machines and with other things. I am in the agriculture bsns and because of that I knew how technology and nature "connects" because of that I had to realize how to "connect them". Shiva told me that he is here because with me "we will overcome the curse of the modern world".
You know that in meditation you have to get rid of every electric appliances because they will just ruin your energy field. What if your energy field was so strong it was not bothered by fucking copper wires getting electric charges. Is spirituality below some fridges or smartphones? HAH. As if. Then I had to learn not to kill electronics via my energies. It's important because wild energies make others disoriented and they start to cough suddenly because the "dormant energy blocks" get disturbed. So not killing electricity helps me learn Temperance.

>your post is an expression of the same scene
Oh it is. I kinda overloaded their gay ass systems because you cannot do something against someone who just goes and overloads your systems until they explode. I too had many dreams where my computer was on fire but it was working as intended while it was melting. Thinking technology is above magic and truth. Silly glowtards. Tesla was on right track but that doesn't mean he reached the summit of true tech.
>I don't feel this is safe.
You feel it well. Sorry about that. This electric technology scares a high amount of entities. This is why I am working on overcoming it. Making channels so entities can come and go without being bothered by them.
>this [blue rose]
The blue rose is kinda cute. Also once someone starts to influence me then hope they are rdy for the energy overload that it will result in. I always wonder about those who access my mind. Just what do they see?

>all of those sigils I've tried so far are legit,
Yeah I know
>Lesser Keys of Solomon which are attributed to him

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