Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:39 Id: 325c0b No.5603 del
>Btw weed dehydrates
huh, never knew that. I know about the other detriments but i just stay away from it and substances by default due to how i see it affects my mom and sister when she was still alive

>Some people don't know what "greatness" is. They have an unreachable mountain within their head and they are thinking repeating this same shit everyday counts as climbing it. Talking about greatness and achieving it is 2 different thing. It creates the most retarded self absorbed narcissism.
I will give him that he actually was working on his art, doing streaming and all that but in retrospect he did give the same talking points as PuA/Manosphere (god, i hate using that fucking term) and stuff. though he was almost like
>if people arent going to rise to greatness i'll leave them behind and stop hanging out with them
which, isnt necessarily wrong if you're hanging out with the wrong people or shit ones (ironic, coming from me, i know) but im not going to lie... the thought of him doing that to us when he came and never responded to me or my other friends message did come across my mind. regardless i do hope whatever he does works out for him
>but I wonder if "weed" was the only thing he had.
this is from what i vaguely remember but sometimes when all played fighting games in a lobby, he occasionally got high off cough syrup. im not sure if he did heavier drugs and i didnt push the issue at the time

>Told you am not gonna sugarcoat it. That was your fate if you don't fight it. You become a true amerifat NPC. The egregore does that to the majority of the population.
i'm not shocked at it being an american egregore, a bit suprised? sure. I genuinely thought it was something else entirely honestly