Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 43e343 No.5604 del
>I think I just solved it
My problem is whenever I solve a problem that I thought HURRAH I DID IT then the next lesson starts.
Like migraines are all about faulty wirings too. Some get overloaded and you have to let other unused pathways help to carry the load. It's an annoying mechanism where I have to pace myself because my thought movements change so much I feel like a different person while in truth I am just more efficient when I let myself be. It's just that retarded saying is
>Our faults make us us
No they fucking not but sometimes when you witness perfection it takes time to accept it instead of falling back into the pit of despair you just crawled out of.
"The Zone". I have too many "zones" nowadays and I have to learn what it means to truly be in it and what it means to snap out of something that I falsely thought as something that is my "thinking". Feels weird to be yourself when you navigated through life being anything but that.

>I'm aware of the way my own personal inner sun alchemy works
Can't say I am aware nor I cannot say I am unaware. My understanding develops on a daily basis but I am still not at a point where I am seeing the "big picture". Also I am not connecting it from the "root chakra" it goes through the legs too and everything and I am not even sure if I see the crown chakra the same as others. Once I unlocked parts of it I started to see a bunch of super subtle wires within the body connecting and after that I had to relearn my understanding everytime I went into it. Feelings and movements of muscles I never thought I can do consciously or if even there was a need to move them.

>new servitor module, "the dude",
Uhhhhhhhh. I tried to connect to it and wtf is this. I am still too incompatible with it or I am misunderstanding what it does?