Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:31 Id: 43e343 No.5617 del
>(god im too slow at this)
Nah you are quite fast considering the average "humans".

>have a good rest!
And some meditations first
Thx to the duuuuuude now I realized I didn't have a proper control over a back muscle group and that actually leads into an another heart chakra "domain" It is like an another wing of sorts. Now I have to look into this because this was something I was working with then neglecting for a while.
Fun. Also I am not exactly tired but I have a new rush of thoughts and it will just result in more undecipherable word salads. And I should meditate instead of mashing the keyboard even tho I just learned a new keyboard trance that increases the writing speed. Ayy...

>have a good rest!
You too btw