Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:38 Id: d238bc No.5659 del
>surprised you did not know
I don't meta myself a lot. I do things without putting labels on it or without considering what someone else thinks of it, and this is natural and normal for me. I'm stating it like this because when I wrote it, it sounded like "I know what others think and what is the correct way of caring, but I actively stray from it". This is not what I mean. I mean that it is not on my mind at all that what I do somehow concerns other people. So I pick up a practice and it becomes a habit, I gain skills in it and do things this way for years, then suddenly out of nowhere someone barges in saying "you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT. And so on. Of course this always takes me by surprise and shock and I will not change my view or budge one nanometer no matter what someone does or what method they employ to try and force their ways on me.

This thing is the source of many of my defensive inventions. What choice do I have when attacked? Oh you created NATO and now you think this somehow means you can tell me what to do? Maybe you should disband NATO then? No? Ok then I will create methods to force you to submit since you won't stop bothering me?

And that's where we are now. Because of idiots getting involved in things they have no business in, I'm now creating and mass distributing organizational servitors and astral weapons to Russia, China, Turkey etc, anyone who can help in removing the disturbances that barged into my life.