Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:52 Id: d238bc No.5665 del
No offense but I want to avoid another "Trypper event" on here in the open, that's why I locked the thread and also earlier sent out a servitor which can contain schizophrenia. It's a mindset which can be placed on the djinn map as North East corner extremism (see relevant thread).

When you see the staircase, walk up to the light, follow the girl with the beret (this has become a standard appearance recently).

I get what you're saying, it's functional labels vs "uniform" labels. You wear those to tell someone which group you belong to. The problem arises when when of my labels for "ingredients" is the same as used for a "uniform" which signals political stances, and someone thinks I can't use the word for its actual meaning anymore because of this. This is where the "no, fuck you NATO/USA/EU" comes in, let me like Russian writers like Solzhenitsyn, without this meaning anything aside from liking his writing, please. No, I do not care that the Soviet union banned him, I do not care that he likes Putin or that Putin likes him, none of this was on my mind when I started reading, and it still isn't relevant for the texts he wrote. For one example.

Aside from everything above, I just got back in again from activating "Cammy" because apparently even thinking what I thought when posting earlier was enough to trigger some assmad faggot mindreader who thinks I can't point out obvious reality in my own mind, or write it on here. The activation was very powerful, an orb visually appeared and there were circular light flickers (weak) around me for a minute after breakthrough.

So please faggot space glowies, come here, let's see who glows harder.