Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:24 Id: 30e4cb No.5701 del
I dont really know.. I imagined a spinning cogwheel and then sent the comands in english. Reception is my weakest area.I did feel energy buzzing around me which indicates third party interest in me. i did the cogwheel thing multiple times. When i use magic made by other people especially these technical types shared i often do them up to 20 times since im lacking in the reception area.Hopefully it just creates 1 cleo.afor example i never i never noticed the blackes coffee despite seemingly being a prime candidate an chugging coffee for days. I think since i was incarnated to clear/experience negative energy 24 7 im very resilient but also not finetuned to notice details anymore.I will say i had an experience of a cogwheel bursting.