Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:32 Id: 43e343 No.5719 del
>I've actually been told this so many times...
Well sorry about that. I live around mundanes so I don't really get compliments nor critique about my psychic potential so I am unable to imagine what it must feel to live around people with similar mindsets. Funny thing that when I was able to look into my "lifepath" and as I looked into alternate timelines where I was a mundane and "happy" it turned out all of them had a deep darkness within them because of it and when I was able to look into the past to see what would have happened if I choose to stay as a mundane on this timeline and live as an ignorant NPC then I would have died of murdersuicide... Because of my absolute desire to retain my potential my life made interesting turns and once I realized the people I have around are more of an energetic drain than benefit if I want to be more than a normie I left behind most of them... which in hindsight turned out to be the better choice seeing how they turned out...
> I have experienced this phenomenon personally many, many times.
Do you live around places like these? How do you wander into the same dimension structures? I might be too asleep so I never really seen it happen. Not to mention I usually sleepwalk with my guides so I rarely get "lost". It was years ago the last time when I had a feeling that I am somewhere I am not supposed to be.
>I don’t think this would work on a bridge like that where you can see where you are going at all times due to the lack of walls
The "trick" is that it's "above water" so if the spirit "looks into the water" it gets washed away with it. I merged with waterflows many times but not the "corner lapses". My subconscious usually only pulls me into the dream if I am in danger or it is real important so I never really wake up at corners nor go to sleep in the process because once I'm there I am there. I rarely get force disconnected.