Sunflower 01/22/2022 (Sat) 08:05:42 Id: a75a1a No.576 del
I'm double vaxxed (nothing personnel, kid) and I realized my usual dormant ailments flared up a few days after both doses as they hadn't in years.
This McCullough doctor on Joe Rogan said that as you age, the immune system becomes less flexible and tends to specialize on such latent illnesses and shit that's permanently in your body but suppressed (herpes for example), and that the vaccine forces your system to allocate a lot of resources away from that, at least for a time.
It's temporary as far as I can tell. I have noticed no permanent alterations (certainly not energetic) and I'm back to my usual self which means I walk around sick people and I just shrug it off like it's nothing.
When you operate at the energetic level, all of this nonsense becomes irrelevant.