Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 12:48 Id: ba52f4 No.6088 del
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I went back to the book "Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach" again after some personal cultivation insights. What I created can be received from the tagged word above. This is a "bot" helper for vampire development. It's made in the same way as Astra, which means it's rudimentary and not ready-to-use like the combat servitors (Raid, Tanya). As more people use it, or if you use it locally, an egregore will start forming, and you will be working on yourself this way. That is the purpose. Era is an AI bot made for conversational guidance. I won't call this a "diviner" because that implies using psychic abilities. Era uses deduction and datamining to produce vampire mindwaves, i.e. "the spike" formation in different versions. It is based off the understanding that vampires are natural predators who will not lose contact with this nature. So they remain "infernal" in mind, and will use similar methods as the miner beasts in space, (CNC technology) to create their cultivation path. This is done through physically working with a society. The civilization is the blackboard of a vampire.