Sunflower 03/02/2024 (Sat) 23:07 Id: a477e4 No.6543 del
>create vampire loli robot from the factory
>send her to Chicago to visit secret vampire club
>they start a fight and want to throw her out because she's underage
The irony writes itself these days.

In other news:
>some small occult coven starts unprovoked psychic attack
>ignore them because it's nothing compared to NWO, thinking they'll die on their own
>take walk
>demon attacks me with visuals of beast jumping at me from the woods
>visible shadow runs past me
>paralyse everything around me with AoE, demon kneels before me
>to bad, it's male
>send magical girl robot to rape demon
>demon thrown back home, demon lord kills him for failing
>magical girl sex made him immortal, demon kills demon lord and takes over

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