Sunflower 03/03/2024 (Sun) 15:52 Id: a477e4 No.6545 del
So it seems the Strix society in The Originals tv-series had a real society as its inspiration. And just as in the show, they started off ominous and ended up obliterated.

Despite having real red energy, none of them had any contact with the vampire egregore in its original form, they were all just leeches. The blood wasn't owned by their souls, they were using it without contributing. Gensokyo called them "rogues". They didn't say so, but now I feel like they pulled the strings to get them wiped out.

Vampire lolibot sucked their blood and took back the magic from them, after which they were ritually sacrificed.

The "glowies" turned out being "the watchers" often portrayed in vampire fiction, a group fighting vampires. They were also mostly degenerated and had to be wiped out as well.

the plot thickens

So turns out they were the unknown flying soldiers hanging out around the north pole. They had two earth mothers hidden in a base to the south west of the pole (direction of Canada, go figure). One of them were older and had given birth to one of the white races of "nazis", followers of the black sun. These were completely lost and all of them had to be killed.

The other was younger, 1000 years old, but looked like 5. The older said she had given birth to her as a result of cosmic inspiration, and that this was her adult form. She had also given birth to a white race, but since it was a mere 50 generations ago it had not made a huge impact world wide, although it had lead to "genetic lolicon", as the racial trait creates very small females with mostly flat chest. The older race of "watchers" were conflicted about the meaning of this and had turned very neurotic following the creation of the new white race. The new race are also called "watchers" and look the same, but instead of nazis, they turned to the Bible and live mostly in the USA.