Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 19:22 Id: 496597 No.6562 del
>it wouldn't surprise me if this is the origin of the Jesuits
When the Catholic church banned them some of them went into Russia under Catherine the Great and the location of your finding kinda reinforces this theory. Also I don't like to call them "Jesuits" because I have no fucking idea what they are anymore. Like they are supposed to be hardliner catholics who decided they will reunite christianity with whatever they can but once they got banned for being absolute overaggressive gigaretards even by catholic standards I have no idea what they splintered into and what dark rituals they got into "for the greater good" or for the glory of God or wtf they think they are doing. Then they managed to go back into the grace of the Pope and their official main base is in Vatican to this day but I have no fucking idea how their ties and especially their blacksites work and what are their objectives if they even have one besides "following orders". Their no questions asked but following orders and claim they dindu nuffin wrong because they just followed orders mentality is one of the worst. They damped their humanity into an enforcer of retardation and somehow managed to think the "dark middle ages" is the style they should perpetuate into the modern world. Can't say I met them because their energies are on the autopurge list and the worst is that they are not self serving but they don't even have a proper egregore that "shows" what they "serve" at all.

>Their only mistake
Wish they had only a singular mistake. Brainwashing people into retarded fanatics then continuing it out of "tradition" "honor" "duty" or I have no idea what idea they kid themselves anymore. At least vamps are selfish and a little unhinged bastards. These people even think themselves "holy" as they move forward. They don't even consider themselves "necessary evil" because they are blind how much evil they are doing. This everyone is evil but me mentality is the worst. They don't even have the
>God will forgive me
mentality because that would mean THEY ACCEPT THEY ARE DOING THINGS WRONG.
>I am the initiator of God's plan
Great. I managed to find their credo from the energies. And that "plan" is the schizoest retardation of cosmic mechanics holy shit. This is what happens when you have only "intellectuals" and mad prophets in your organization and nothing more substantial.