Sunflower 02/03/2022 (Thu) 22:37:51 Id: af5367 No.672 del
Do you think the "real elite" class are "living" breathing humans or they might be a system of entities or maybe a protective system that shields them from the "above"?

>but if the soul is in the process of unraveling in preparation for its next encarnation

And to complicate things you have the "vengeful spirits" and other souls who can't move on from this world until their last desire is fulfilled or get banished. but then again they are not at the
>process of unraveling in preparation for its next encarnation
so yeah all things are possible

And I think I instantly got reincarnated when I died and all the bullshit that I caused in that life is trying to make a comeback because whenever I think about the things I got from this life are things that my "previous life" would have "wanted" but then again we are in a different era with different circumstances so you get new desires as you go forward especially when you get a mindwipe from the horrors of your previous life

The more you learn about the afterlife the more confusing it gets.