Sunflower 02/05/2022 (Sat) 21:54:27 Id: 859183 No.688 del
People only perceive what they're synchronized with. This is how ship cloaking works, the entire vessel enters a higher frequency that the metaphysically impraired cannot see. This could either be a vessel, or an individual person using the same technique mentally, and it either isn't complete and some part of the conceptualized higher state meshes enough to be seen, or it was done on purpose. Keep in mind that if humans can see it, it gets manifested into their frequency as well, and behaves like a physical object. I suspect the broom could impact a tree if the operator isn't careful, and either knock the person on its ass, or damage the vessel.
If it's a touhou, the broom was left out on purpose. The touhou could manifest physically in full at will, and simply chooses not to.
You aren't being "kept." If the touhous help you it's because they believe it'll benefit them. If you accept anything, it's because you wished to do so. Keep in mind that beings like these despise weakness and subservience, they won't think any better of you if you meekly submit to any (perceived) impossition.
>(he's) Jack the Ripper
This is a known fact. He's also many other things but none of them are "safe." Think long and hard of what you'll accept from a sorcerer.
>can you adapt
The question should be, can anyone impose anything on you? They can certainly try, but the entire orbital detachment isn't enough to budge a master.
That said, I think you misunderstand BO's module thing. The way he conceptualizes it is different from the way you do, and this will affect what it does. If you take it thinking it'll control you, it will, but from BO's perspective it isn't like this.
You forgot to mention that you were also physically and mentally invisible much of the time.
The heart is especially delish.

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