Sunflower 02/05/2022 (Sat) 22:30:27 Id: e03f19 No.691 del
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>everything else
The galfed consists of many factions, it's normal that the "galactic federation" will attack you even if you're a member. One faction did this against my lyran ship but their gun just fizzled out and my ship didn't even bother to dodge but took the hit on the shield. The reason was that the higher ups of the galfed cut energetic funding for the hostile faction. Didn't stop them from attacking, they just let us wipe them out.

I can't properly determine your stance and place in all this, it's in a "balanced" state of relation. We may not agree on a lot, but enough that we can have an exchange. It certainly does feel like dealing with another galfed faction. Most other groups usually go from full on hostile to being friendly if you kick their ass, going by predator logic or simply letting the attacking subgroup get killed as a test.
I like it as far as that works, having "tense relations" is not as pleasant, but so far so good.