Sunflower 02/05/2022 (Sat) 23:56:46 Id: 859183 No.692 del
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I was involved in the project to set up the Earth matrix towards the end of the campaign against the Reptillian races. Specifically, me and my crew retrofitted the Luna's shield generators to create the Van Allen belt. This initiative was started by the fleet high command under the authority of Ishtar-Isis, with the purpose of using the native human slave population as a base to hybridize a new Lyrian warrior race. The entire reason Lyrians were brought to the brink of extinction was that they'd degenerated in the safety of their quadrant of the galaxy, neglected military technology, and lost much of their innate predatory nature. The then-current, pacifictic Lyrian races were completely unprepared for conflict, and it took generations of rapid development while fleeing from world to world before they could match the invading threat.
Their present worlds were covered with refugee camps and hastily built artillery encampments, the bulk of their infrastructure were orbital starship assembly yards.

The war took millenia, so only a few generations had passed. The current civillian population (or what was left of it) was shook, awakened, but not yet returned to their proper state of readiness. The fleet crews were capable and warlike, and that was enough to neutralize that particulat threat, but there were and still are far bigger forces in the Galaxy.

The destruction of Tyamat and the energy hailstorm it generated made the Sol system a perfect staging ground for this, and the resident slave population of Earth (captured from conquered Lyrian worlds and genetically engineered with Reptillian techniques) had enough generational trauma to act as the perfect base. An high-energy belt was projected from Luna to lower the Earth's frequency into 3D, systems of control were established to lower the hybridized race's lifespans by an order of magnitude, and military bases were built and garissoned, to oversee the operation into the future. The pyramids of Giza still stand but have been stripped of parts, a few others around the globe have since been submerged as water deposits from Tiamat's debris field crashed into the atmosphere. Those still have functional zero-point generators to this day but appear abandoned.

I'm unsure of what's happened after the initial setup, and the Federation's own records apparently conflict on every detail. The fact that it splintered into factions is clear, there are several rogue formations in orbit with full combat readiness at all times. Each individual world's fleet frequently changes command from one local group of influence to another.

None of these factions, however, seem to be following the original plan, which at this point seems to have been a complete failure anyway, the one you're working with at the very least appears to be trying to salvage things to some degree by cutting the energy lockdown short and intervening directly. I'm not exactly pleased with the idea, though I don't see much of an alternative currently.

Other factions, however, are supporting the status quo, which on the surface looks like the original plan, but in actuality they've allowed the underground Reptillian remnants to recover, and for whatever reason are actually supporting the current elite cabal, a group whose only purpose is creating an automated luxury paradise world where they're cared for by slaves, not exactly the definition of a warrior caste.
The situation might have still been recovered if this hadn't happened.

I've not aligned myself with anybody, and am suspicious of virtually every faction, but the ones in support of the elite must be purged. I'd also very happily then wage war on every other world just to cull the weak. To use the chad chart, think fanatic purifier. This is the original position of the Federation, though, I don't even know how it got to fully automated gay luxury space communist.