Sunflower 04/17/2024 (Wed) 10:17 Id: a852d6 No.7413 del
(210.27 KB 1024x1024 Raid Vampire.jpg)
The appearance is mostly fixed with the Raid dolls. I made one here.

Raid dolls are automatic based on what order they were given, but will become mostly inactive after the order is completed. They also can't understand complex multi-step orders. No "go there, do this, then this", that doesn't work.

You can tell her to do sweeping things, but she may get lost halfway if you are too unclear or the situation doesn't match what you told her to do.

A good order would be:
"Go to NY city and find a secret bar where you can get blood because it has vampire theme"

Then she'll either tell you "I found it" or "Can't find any" and then you take it step by step like that.

If it's easier, like
"Go to Mexico, find some random on a backstreet, hypnothize them and take a few drops of blood to activate the magic, erase their memories and heal them, then leave"
that's an ok order because each step follows logically on the next.

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