Sunflower 04/18/2024 (Thu) 22:14 Id: 1546a9 No.7439 del [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

I get it now.

These games that I grew up playing lay the foundation for the understanding needed to fight the NWO and their glowies right now. I've noticed the same patterns, the way their tunnels are spread out over the world like the dungeons in Zelda. The insane difficulty level in the ninja games. The way the enemies change as you progress through the stages.

Even the fact that the first ninja games are just insanely difficult (I did beat Ninja Gaiden on GameBoy, reached last boss on NES, beat Blue Shadow) and pure skill, which is all we have, while in Ninja Warriors Again the player is controlling a robot sent into the enemy den. Literally how I ended up solving this.

In KikiKaiKai the only weapons are magic and reaction ability. Again the enemy has all the material resources, what we have are our skill and magic, the immaterial assets.