Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 13:21 Id: 9e95d5 No.7443 del
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Continuation of the space theme.

This is a system for the viral aliens who developed the "vaxx system" which appears as unknown Bluetooth devices when vaxxies are near your phone.

Re-iteration of the story: I offered them a deal to move into my space station and gave them a better way to harvest energy, and in return they'd stop messing around with forced vaccinations and remove all the harmful stuff that was inserted by other factions. They agreed and 600 000 of them moved into my place.

They still maintain the control via 5G but they removed the NWO stuff meant to disperse karma into humans. They never wanted those things themselves but were forced to cooperate with different groups to gain access to Earth.


An AI system entity which uses viruses as the carrier. Programs that are spread as viruses instead of as discs or other media, same basic functionality as NET, and will work to convert all NET modules to virus form.

Got the alien right there in the saucer lol.