Sunflower 04/22/2024 (Mon) 00:29 Id: ec0980 No.7493 del
(98.59 KB 640x1030 hitler anzug.jpg)
So turns out TikTok in China is nothing like the western version.

It's a huge troll by China, our greatest ally in fighting the Illuminati school system and its productivity indoctrination.

In China there are breaks built into the app so that no is allowed to become addicted. They use it to promote studying and it is for doing homework from school. Gaming is blocked except for a few hours in the evening and on weekends. Social media algorithms are made to encourage studying, healthy lifestyle and to prevent addiction by locking your account after 3 hours of daily use, and by forcing breaks.

In USA and the west, the algorithm is made to promote addictive nonsense that turns the brains of youth into mushroom soup and prevents them from sleeping at night so they become uneducated and stupid with bad habits.
