Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 11:33 Id: 9e95d5 No.7541 del
Weirdness incoming...

pls hold

What the NWO fears

Those 1800 at the very top of the top of the pyramid. They have a view only hinted at among the molochians aka "late stage capitalists"; they think writing and symbolism is "wrong".
They actually fear it more than anything. They are all illiterate and could not live in the world they have created if let loose on the street. They will not even look at text or any kind of symbolic arts.

Their view is such that they think DNA is the language of God and that any information is derived from this original genetic, which is the power of God. To represent one thing with another, is a kind of heresy - things should only be what they are, in a very narrow and strict sense. A fruit fly which has stripes to look like wasp for example, is an expression of Satan in their world view. It is deceptive - things should only look like what they are. That is why "functionalism" became a thing in the 1930s, it's their thinking.

So why are they fanatically pushing for education and literacy?

It's because they learned in history that societies that do not use written language will be destroyed by those who do. They consider writing to be a Satanic dark art, and having people learn it is like a church employing a witch behind the scenes to do their dirty work. They also think that this makes everyone into a heretic, an ultimate sinner, and that they are allowed to do anything to a person who knows how to read and write, because they area already "lost".

Now it can be argued that this mythology among them is actually just because of inbreeding; the average top Illuminati person has an IQ of 61 according to the divination I did. To them, writing and reading really is like magic. They had to create this myth of its satanic nature to cope with the fact that they are just too dumb to learn it.

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