Sunflower 02/17/2022 (Thu) 22:43:04 Id: a1b1bf No.842 del
>djinnmaster vampire
>small blade in a blue hand while small blood droplets were falling around it. I had a wait... what... moment then realized my kidney feels okay now. So yeah Shiva just cut open my energy pathway for me.
This is an unshared story on here I think, but this method is something I've asked my two murder nymphs to do for me and others. But we did it by physical operation, manifesting the point or edge of the knife only, inside the body. They are very exact and can do this if provided with energy for the manifestation. Originally it's something the lyrans can do using technology, but I managed to copy the approach into conventional magic. It's difficult to do on your own compared to using lyranet because you need to power it yourself. But I just want this skill.
> local weather control magic
Idk why you do it like that, I just ask the wind spirits about it and they're happy to move things for a fee. I have contacts established with different groups so by now there's nothing that can't be mostly handled. Wind nymphs are seasonal and move over the world. Right now there are asian wind spirits around here driving snow up from the UK.