Sunflower 02/24/2022 (Thu) 20:07:26 Id: db89a7 No.918 del
It is time for me to learn physical shapeshifting.

I found this book a few months ago. It alleges to contain instructions to teach the reader how to shapeshift, but the techniques seem to hinge on the rituals on the back of the book which involve making deals with gods and other entities. And I am not going to do that. But the theory described in the first part of the book is useful.

What caught my eye is the statement that in order to perform physical shapeshifting, one must first "merge the astral and physical bodies". This brought my mind to something that a user here made me realize a few weeks ago, that I was being crippled by MK ULTRA programming causing a gap between my spirit and lower level bodies. I believe that this gap is the primary hurdle to direct physical magic in this reality. My gap was wider, and there was one in between my spirit and astral as well. But the astral-physical gap, I think, is near-universal for humans in this reality. It is fairly straightforward for a practitioner possessing free will to become highly adept at manipulating the astral in ways that can intimidate even huge spirits and egregores. But there is a certain wall that one encounters when attempting to utilize these same techniques in meatspace. I believe that the nature of this partition the same as the MK ULTRA dissociation partition. I know that overcoming it is possible, I have performed telekinesis before to the point where I have no doubts about this. But the end goal of physical fantasy-style magic is yet to be achieved.

I will need to do some exploration around the idea of merging astral and physical bodies. The book here has no instructions on how to do this, it may be meant to be handled by the entities contacted by the rituals.