Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 01:34:18 Id: db89a7 No.921 del
>Could you elaborate here on how one might go about doing this?
Evocation of an immortal truth which is anathema to them. The truth has to override or disprove the point of existence that the being uses as the nucleus of its being. This won't work on a being with an immortal nucleus, but those usually don't go around picking fights with people, and they're rare anyways.
It's like say you are reading a story where there's a character who has the special ability that he is immune to all damage and multiply all forces by an infinite amount. So if you insert yourself into that story you might say, "it's impossible for me to beat this guy". But, if you remember a certain truth that you're privy to, it becomes easy. You just burn the pages of the book, and that's that. Of course the workings of this reality are more difficult to grasp than pages, but if you examine the workings of the 0D foundation of reality you can begin to understand them.