[DM] Joy 03/02/2024 (Sat) 10:36 No.3340 del
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Thank you Kashtan and Yulya for the material, and don't be too concerned with memorizing any details, we'll direct you what to know and when to know it. This isn't a chore, if anything's not fun, don't do it. In Bear's youth, they didn't spend time doing anything that wasn't fun when playing this game, there were no big calculations and simplification was the norm for things that seemed boring.

>I'll leave character design suggestions to you guys, no idea about race or class yet. As long as it's sufficiently crazy and entertaining I'm ok with everything.

I'll I'll only ask you to follow the player's handbook and fill out this sheet. We can handle the character progression with your input. The gears are also turning as far as how the turns will look given this online handicap.

Speed is not an issue, fun is the only consideration. If anything is not fun, leave it up to us, we'll write it in such a way that you can contribute as much or as little as you want. What's most important is that you have fun and exercise your headmate.

>letting their tuppers do that

So you may handle this however you want but in terms of playing, it would probably be best if everyone builds a character that is not officially them as if in wonderland, but a proxy for them like an avatar. For instance, I was not the character Joy, I played the character Joy. The memories are mine but the pain and suffering, the injury and loss were hers. That small buffer is necessary as your character may die playing this game even if Autumn was the DM. As the player's handbook states, when a character dies it is the decision of the individual to either resurrect and restore that character or forge a new one and that doesn't have to be a character from 0, the party can "recruit" new members from a guild in any town. The party can also pay certain large churches to restore a headmate, there are also magic items that can do that, but both are very costly.

So just keep that in mind, it's a trade off of roleplaying vs direct forcing, so you can decide. It could also be like the movie "Avatar" where you are more possessing the fantasy body in this pseudo wonderland like Autumn did in her early scenarios to avoid actual injury. It's a mind trick of protection but this game can get very personal otherwise.

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